780 Tum Tum
Tum Tum is a Net Zero duplex built in Revelstoke, BC.
The primary insulation used in this house is wood fibre and dense-packed cellulose (recycled paper). The walls have 6.25 inches of rigid wood fibre insulation on top of the standard 2x6 framing filled with insulation, giving a total of 12 inches of thermally insulated wall! Not only do the materials chosen have extremely low embodied carbon, but they also have fantastic sound attenuation as well as a unique resistance to heat that foam and various other synthetic materials cannot achieve.
Unique feature of a year-round food production integrated into the mudroom of the house. “Food pods,” as we call them, are a way for people to live more autonomously and more self-reliantly and have a better quality of nutrients in their diets. Growing your own food is one of the most impactful ways humans can have a positive effect on the environment and their own lives. We are honoured to say we have sold this home to local residents who appreciate this home to the fullest.
Location: Revelstoke, BC
Dwelling Size: 1250 SF
Bedrooms: 3+ (Studio/Bachelor)
Bathrooms: 2
Carport: 200 SF
Patio: 280 SF